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Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Mobile Food Pantry

January mobile food pantry is ready to go! I've been delivering for a couple of months now and have put together this "emergency food bag" list based on information from brick and mortar pantries and feedback from clients. For a couple of days for 2 people, here's a nice list:

Box of cereal
Canned veggies (2)
Canned fruit (2)
Canned tomato product (1)
Jar peanut butter (1)
Canned / packaged soup (2)
Dried beans (1 bag) - optional (involves cooking time)
Rice (1 box)
Mac and cheese (1 box)
Canned meat (1)
Misc canned goods (1)
Misc snack goods (1 bag)

Sometimes your can find good perishables, like turkey ham, frozen ground beef or turkey.

A couple of questions you might ask YOUR clients:

If you were to received canned fruits or vegetables, what would you like? Not like?

Would you use boxed mac and cheese?

Does anyone in your household have food allergies?

This is easy to do. I’ve found a grocery store that has very reasonable prices. I’ve found that if you’re spending your money on the right things, it’s amazing how far it goes! Have fun and blessings!