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Friday, January 8, 2010

What Can You Do To Help the Homeless in Cold Weather?

(from CNN news today)

The weather has turned dangerously cold in much of the country, putting homeless people at high risk of injury or even death. If you encounter someone and want to help, what should you do?

The specific answer depends on the circumstances, but those who work with the homeless every day agree you generally should leave social services to the professionals. (emphasis added)

"We've been doing this work for a very long time, and what we tell people is it is better to donate funds and resources to organizations that are in the business of helping homeless people and have professionals on their staff who know how to do this," said Stephan Russo, executive director of Goddard Riverside Community Center, the lead homeless services agency in Manhattan.

Vance's comments: most of us would not think that lending a helping hand to someone might actually cause more harm than good. Think of the case where giving someone on the streets a blanket in the winter might cause them NOT to seek shelter inside, but instead stay outside.

I've personally found contacting a shelter or clothing bank directly and asking what they could use is the best way to go. Here in the NE winter gloves are always needed, especially men's sizes, as are plain white socks. When you are on your feet all day, your socks become very important.

See the entire CNN story with video at If this link doesn't work, go to and search on the term HOMELESS. This will be one of the top stories of 1-8-2010.

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