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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Worry in the Workplace

Someone close to me is going through a very anxious time. The "not knowing" what's going on, the sense of helplessness is overpowering! "What did I do wrong?" How can we offer someone in this situation comfort?

I didn't make up these thoughts on my own, but listened to others, read a lot, and reflected for hours on end and have landed on my personal approach, which comes from my wounded heart:

Don't tell people things like "it'll be all right" or "when one door closes, another opens". Saying things like this is very impersonal, trite, and in fact may not be true. How do you know things will be all right? What does that mean anyway?

Instead draw on your own experience internally. You know what YOU feel like in your situation. At the same time resist the urge to say "I know what you're going through." Do you know what they are going through? Probably not. Rather use those feelings to be an empathetic listener.

People are usually uncomfortable being around someone going through an employment loss or reduction. But you can be there for them, no matter how much they talk or how many times they say the same thing over and over. Listen to their story.

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